jquery - Javascript error embedding redbubble -

hi trying embed redbubble code site client (his red bubble store) joomla site , there wrong script.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.redbubble.com/assets/external_portfolio.js"></script>  <script id="rb-xzfcxvzx" type="text/javascript">new rbexternalportfolio('www.redbubble.com', 'classiceggshell', 5, 5).renderiframe();</script>

the link includes returns 404 error when check on devtools in chrome tested script on jslint gave me these 8 warnings expected identifier , instead saw '<'. expected assignment or function call , instead saw expression. missing semicolon. expected assignment or function call , instead saw expression. missing semicolon. missing semicolon. unclosed regular expression. unrecoverable syntax error. (85% scanned).

so there fundamentally wrong code please able fix , give me correct code connect store. have tried load link store iframe think redbubble have block on iframes iframe wont load , has x-frame-options: sameorigin error.

i have tried speaking support redbubble , still yet me

please aware when replying although have knowledge , can follow step step instructions have little coding knowledge things straightforward.

alright had same issue, reason script isn't there able find it:

rbexternalportfolio = function(t, e, n, i) {     var = this;     a.domain = t, a.rows = n, a.columns = i, a.user_name = e, a.getheight = function() {         return 222 * a.rows + 85     }, a.getwidth = function() {         return 240 * a.columns + 26     }, a.getsrc = function() {         return "http://" + a.domain + "/people/" + a.user_name + "/external-portfolio?count=" + a.rows * a.columns     }, a.createiframe = function() {         var t = document.createelement("iframe");         return t.src = a.getsrc(), t.width = a.getwidth(), t.height = a.getheight(), t.frameborder = 0, t.scrolling = "no", t.setattribute("allowtransparency", "true"), t     }, a.renderiframe = function() {         var t = document.getelementbyid("rb-xzfcxvzx");         t.parentnode.replacechild(a.createiframe(), t)     } }; 

from: http://nerdyjs.com/script/1406714

i saved copy locally, , changed getsrc line hardcode point folio, this:

return "http://redbubble.com/people/<yourname>/external-portfolio?count=" + a.rows * a.columns 

it sucks haven't fixed yet code @ least out there!


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