laravel - creating different type of users -
im creating app haves 2 type of users (employers , candidates). in app have 4 tables (users, candidates, employers, account_types), users table : - email, - name, - surname, - password - account_type candidates table: - id; - user_id - other columns employers table: - id; - user_id - other columns accounts_type: -id; - title so have 2 different routes each type of user, if candidate "" , if employer "". im looking @ ready code laravel im kinda strugglying right way it. im on authcontroller looking @ function create, need create 1 more record, beside record users table, need example if employer, create record , insert in employers table , vice versa if candidate. need first check type of account being passed, thought in using hidden field in registration form indentify in create function type of user , create conditionals in create function, dont think approach. can guide me in best way in passi...